Category Archives: Yahoo

Yahoo’s New Policy: A Reversal on Their Telecommuting Policy

The Internet community was stunned this week when contents of an interoffice email were released stating a reversal of Yahoo’s work at home policy of cybercommuting. Yahoo’s CEO Marissa Mayer has called those who work for Yahoo at their homes or other places than the office, to return to the office desk by 1 June or be terminated.

Regardless of what one considers of the pros and cons of telecomuting, this may leave many without work and open up arguments that the work and agreements that they signed up for when their applications were accepted at Yahoo have changed dramatically and unfairly target those with mitigating needs to telecommute. Persons who stay at home to take care of children and disabled relatives or friends as well as the disabled themselves may be more adversely affected by this policy turnaround than others whose ability to return to a traditional office setting or find other non-telecommuting work is not limited by personal mobility, transportation and care giving constraints.

Does your company have a telecommuting policy? What are your thoughts? Please chime in.